lunes, 28 de abril de 2008

How will be the Web 3.0??

We’ve seen a lot of changes on the Web during the last 10+ years, I remembered my first queries on the net were ‘simple’, basically my question was, what’s on the net?. Then came a lot of great stuff on the Web like: better emails free services; chats; newspapers and TV channels were putting their news and stories on websites; the rise of the e-commerce; companies moving their business’ apps onto the Web, etc. Now there is so much of the West’s knowledge on the Web, for example is doing a great job it’s a starting point when I research a topic.

The net has like one billion of user and it’ll increase in one more billion in the following years and most of the new users will come from India and China which are countries and civilizations at the same time, that mean new features according to them. The Web is always changing/morphing, we heard/read words like web science, web intelligent, web semantic, cloud computing, China wide web, walking web, social networks, etc, all those words represent this wild, cool and open (at least for now) environment Web 2.0.

Mobility will be the future, the numbers of handsets will soon hit the 4 billions [3], and those devices are becoming little laptops, so the net will have to be ambiguous, must run on both environment with no differences, that mean the mobile Web experience is going to be the same as if you were surfing the net in a desktop.

An important and interesting phenomenon is going on, in the early days of the Web, almost all of our relation with the net was anonymous, we didn’t care if we were chatting with unknown folks that was part of the fun, met new people, now that has changed radically, because we want to be connected with folks that we know, we want to play with our family and friends, we want to interact with them in the virtual worlds, almost all the net experience has become social, because of that social networks are so famous, they are becoming a new platform/layer on the net. We were used to know that apps were running on servers and those ones were implemented on operating systems, that might still an important platform, but what is changing is that now apps are running on social networks and those are on the clouds. This have a lot of issues, like who own the apps (the developer or the social network)?, what will happen if some apps is shut down on a social network?, who own the data?, etc. We’ll have to wait to see how those issues will be worked out.

Many stuff is being said about the future of the net: Web 3.0 might be the result of the mobile merging with the regular apps, with social networks, virtual worlds, games, etc ; or it might be an intelligent Web who will know us, will interpret our queries and give us exactly what we want (knowing our web's patters behavior, story, personal log, etc); or it might be the process of ordering all the Web and eliminate all the trash; or it might be the Web that will have to retrieve our entire past digital footprint, or...??


martes, 22 de abril de 2008

Día de la Tierra y reflexiones

Hoy 22 de abril se celebra el Día de la Tierra [1,2], nuestro HOGAR.
Cada día son más los problemas que tenemos: la presión demográfica y la pobreza; el consumo de energía e hidrocarburos que son los motores de nuestras civilizaciones industrializadas; el calentamiento global. Son problemas muy complicados porque cada día somos más complejos, nos hemos desarrollado bastante pero a la vez tenemos limitaciones. Cuando menciono limitaciones me refiero a la conquista del espacio, cada vez que investigo más en el tema veo que hay una infinidad de problemas que todavía nos falta investigar y resolver.

Desde la perspectiva de nuestro desarrollo tecnológico que ha sido impresionante desde la revolución industrial hasta el día de hoy, es fácil emocionarte y decir que estamos en camino a conquistar el espacio, pero en realidad, ¿estamos preparados?. Cuando leo que se esta optando por los biocombustibles para seguir impulsando el desarrollo económico y tecnológico, veo que parece que se esta perdiendo de vista nuestro desarrollo humano, es decir el sacar de la pobreza y dar educación a los millones de personas que co habitan en este mundo, si el precio del desarrollo económico y tecnológico son los biocombustibles, estamos optando por un camino erróneo, ya que la alimentación básica se esta volviendo más cara. Hoy creo que es un día para reflexionar, si bien somos una civilización inteligente que habita en este planeta, debemos pensar también en cuidarla y velar por el desarrollo de todos sus habitantes. Todavía no hemos descubierto otro planeta semejante a la Tierra y tampoco tenemos los recursos disponibles para conquistarlos, por ahora es nuestro único hogar.


viernes, 18 de abril de 2008


I’ve been asking this question many times, are we in the process to become a Googlelization??, maybe those facts could answer.

This stuff is from here.

The Gartner researchers have estimated that Google technology can address 100 exabytes of data (an exabyte is equal to a billion gigabytes). “Their infrastructure has unprecedented scale,” said Hunter, “and what is even more impressive is their ability to connect vast quantities of information… Google is sitting on the biggest pile of information that has ever been collected in the world.”

Hunter stated, “We believe Google’s information security will be a political issue worldwide by the end of the year in 2010.”

“Google is disruptive and disruptive technologies produce big winners and big losers,” Hunter said, “One of the big losers is potentially traditional IT departments.”

What Gartner is arguing is that Google’s database and data center magic is creating a massive cultural movement and a competitive advantage that is going to sweep away businesses and industries and transform the technology world. In fact, Gartner sees Google becoming so large and powerful from a data storage and access standpoint that it is going to attract scrutiny - and potential regulations - from governments.

Nevertheless, Google is obviously on the leading edge many of the trends that are powering the next breaking waves in the technology industry, and the effects of these trends will fundamentally change the way corporate IT departments are organized, operated, and financed over the next decade.

miércoles, 16 de abril de 2008

Israel and the VCs ...

Today I read a post from Robert Scoble where he said that there is a trend: (he’s noticing that) “…the further away a tech area is from Silicon Valley the less respect that area will get”. [1] I agree with him, you have to research more if you want to know what’s going on in different places away from the valley. Another issue is coming up from that, if you are not in the famous valley, how can you reach the VCs??. If you want to try out some idea to work in latin America, you will find the lack of a real platform to lift up an idea and become a success company (as far as I know there are some tech areas in Colombia and Brazil), that have to change in order to decentralize this issue. I made a research today about the tech world in Israel and found out they have a lot of VCs there, good for geeks and the economy there. This website has like 90 VCs [2] located in Israel, in the list is Sequoia Capital one of the VCs that help Google. To put it more interesting this issue I will put it this way: Israel have 7.22 millions of people [3] and that website [2] has like 90 VCs, so let divide 7 millions into 90 VCs, we got that they have one VC per 77777.77 habitants (if I’m wrong let me know it) , I guess that’s a perfect environment for the start-ups, for science and the economy. Latin America should go that way!!



viernes, 11 de abril de 2008

The decision to conquest the exoplanet Yecta (Fiction – chapter 1)

This post is the first one about how could be the conquest of new exoplanets, is complete science fiction (if its possible to call that), I made up everything. Why I am writing this type of post?, because I believe next century will be the space conquest.

We are a little more than half of the twenty-second century AD, to be more precise in 2157 (200 years after the start of the space’s conquest by the Soviets’ Sputnik in 1957). We have created a multi-civilization commission in order to organize the conquest of five habitable exoplanets for humans. These are called Yecta, Presina, Bacs, Trepid and Zapit, they were discovered in 2050, 2085, 2105, 2115 and 2130 respectively. The closest planet is at 300 light years which is Yecta with a mass twice the Earth and with 65% of its surface with water. It gravitates around a star that is half of our sun, but large enough to heat the planet, it’s located in the Retfer-508 galaxy. Yecta has a highly developed wildlife but there are not intelligent neither developed life than humans, what exist is an animal called Yectabulus which is the most intelligent and according to the research that has been done, it could develop in an intelligent and dominant creature if nothing or nobody intervene, but that is discarded, because humans are willing to colonize the planet and turn it into the second Earth. Why we want to go to another planet?, there are many answers, but the main ones are: we are without resources to feed and provide work for the more than 20 billion humans, problems with the climate and there is a latent fear of a global epidemic outbreak .

The coalition of all civilizations has reached the consensus that now we are one mega-civilization prepared to go to conquer planets, and make the step to immortality as a species and ensure that humanity will continue to grow. The coalition has already been working together in collect all technologies that every civilization has been developing over the last 100 years. It is amazing how some societies have develop very sophisticated technologies, such as in the computer field where the bits are represented at a sub-atomic level, and also being able to represent the data and make highly complex calculations through chemical concentrations (chemistry computing) that could be amorphous robots (gel type) with the ability to separate and become mini-robots and work independently, the Web and virtual reality have converged and have given us a new complex dimension; the robotic with artificial intelligence have achieved in build robots that continuously learn and make decisions and help us in a variety of tasks; nanotechnology; human hibernation; spacecraft flying at supersonic speeds doubling every minute.

It is 15:00 hours in the city of Brussels, the convention to define how is going to be this conquest that compete to all the humanity will begin.

jueves, 10 de abril de 2008

The robotic age

The robotic age is coming, they already exist in some industries, for instance the automobile industry uses robots and there are many examples. The big issue comes when we think about robots with artificial intelligence (AI) and that’s a real fact. The question could be, are we ready to live with them?.

‘A draft of the proposals said: "In the 21st Century humanity will coexist with the first alien intelligence we have ever come into contact with - robots. …"It will be an event rich in ethical, social and economic problems."‘ [1] For that reason the South Korean government is taking the first step by writing an ethical code to prevent humans abusing robots, and vice versa (Korean Robot Ethics Charter).

Some facts about robotic right now: Japan has 28% of the world market, USA 22%, Germany 18%, Italy 11%, South Korea 3% and 10% others. There are three categories: (1) Home/Service; (2) Silver/Life Care and (3) Security/Military. Now in (1) we have robots for cleaning like vacuum cleaning, pets (robots like dogs) for education and entertainment, in the next decade (2010 – 2015) (1) robots will coexist with humans. About (2) now exists ChairBot, RideBot, Silverbor and Subar for example, next decade will have robots that could give assisting to senior citizens for instance. There are three main trend of robot-developing technologies in Korea, first are the Humanoid/Android the goal is create a robot like the Bicentennial Man; second are the network robots like R2D2 (star wars) that could help in many activities; and third are the Nano/High-precision like the ones that work in the automobile industry or laboratories, the next step are the cooperatives that could make intelligent works for instance in the automobile industry. [2]

So why Korea is doing all this research, because “Korea will be able to serve as a test bed country for robots, just as with the IT electronics market”. [2] Another interesting fact is: “It is estimated that every household in Korea will have one robot by 2020” [2], so we are talking about millions of robots to sell, very lucrative business!!. “Why Korea wants to establish the robot ethics charter...Korea is headed towards an aging society with low birth rates: one possible solution is the use of robots. Various intelligent service robots, including robots to assist senior citizens, have been developed: ’Silver Mate’ robots will soon be seen. Social demand for robots is forecasted to increase…The social demand has created a need to enhance partnership between people and robots, and a need to consider ethical issues in Korea”.[2]



miércoles, 9 de abril de 2008

Web and TV

The Web is already the platform for the TV, one good example is the BBC iPlayer, “With BBC iPlayer you can catch up with the programmes from the past seven days you've missed or want to watch again free of charge by playing them direct on the BBC iPlayer website or downloading them to your computer. As long as you are in the UK and connected..” [1] But this new service from the BBC is bringing an important issue about who should pay for extra network costs, this is really a hot issue because on-demand TV is the trend and the people are already using it (that’s the reason of a service). Something that is for sure is that internet service providers (ISPs) will have to upgrade their infrastructure if they want to still in the business because there are hidden costs for watching TV online. [2] One solution for the TV online is the Peer-to-Peer (P2P) and is already developing.. “Broadcasters and content providers consider P2P as a future-proof, universal, and ubiquitous two-way (interactive) distribution mechanism. Initially, P2P will complement the existing distribution mechanisms such as satellite, cable and terrestrial networks, but ultimately it may supersede them. The P2P-Next Project extends the notion of a conventional media distribution network. It introduces a concept of on-demand, personalised, and social network. “[3] That’s a perfect solution because TV online is there for millions of users.

Another type of TV is, they have a different service it’s a Web exclusive channel and all the videos are oriented for the Internet, Robert Scoble is doing an amazing job there. [4]

The Web is morphing and creating new fields, we are going to start to use it more and more and new stuff will come up in the future. But not only you can see all what you get from the Web in computers and devices, now you can see all that stuff in a normal TV that’s using Nintendo Wii the BCC iPlayer is working with that too. [5]


martes, 8 de abril de 2008

La decisión de conquistar el exoplaneta Yecta (Ficción - capítulo 1) / The decision to conquest the exoplanet Yecta (Fiction - chapter 1)

This post is in Spanish I will translate to English as soon as I can, because I want to be part of this world wide conversation (the default language is English). This post is the first one about how could be the conquest of new exoplanets, is complete science fiction (if its possible to call that), I made up everything. Why I am writing this type of post?, because I believe next century will be the space conquest.

Este post es el primero de una serie de escritos acerca de cómo podría ser la conquista de nuevos exoplanetas, es ciencia ficción (si es que se puede llamar así esto), todo es inventado. ¿Por qué escribo este tipo de post?, porque el próximo siglo va ser el de la conquista del espacio.

La decisión de conquistar el exoplaneta Yecta (capítulo 1)

Estamos un poco más de la mitad del siglo XXII DC, para ser exactos en el 2157 (200 años después del inicio de la conquista del espacio por el Sputnik de los soviéticos en 1957). Se ha creado una comisión multi-civilización para poder organizar la conquista de cinco exoplanetas habitables para los seres humanos. Estos exoplanetas se llaman Yecta, Presina, Bacs, Trepid y Zapit, fueron descubiertos en 2050, 2085, 2105, 2115 y 2130 respectivamente. El planeta más cercano se encuentra a 300 años luz que es Yecta con una masa el doble que la Tierra y con el 65% de su superficie con agua. Gravita alrededor de una estrella que es la mitad de nuestro Sol, pero suficientemente grande como para calentar al planeta, se encuentra en la galaxia Retfer-508. Yecta tiene una fauna y flora muy desarrollada sin embargo no existe vida más inteligente ni desarrollada que los humanos, lo que existe es un animal llamado Yectabulus que es el más inteligente según las investigaciones hechas y probablemente sino hay intervención de ninguna clase en el futuro podría llegar a dejar de ser un animal y convertirse en una especie inteligente y dominante en ese planeta, pero eso esta descartado, ya que los humanos están dispuestos a colonizar el planeta y convertirla en la segunda Tierra. ¿Por qué queremos ir a otro planeta?, hay varias respuestas pero las principales son: estamos sin recursos para alimentar y dar trabajo a los más de 20 mil millones de humanos, problemas con el clima y existe el miedo latente que brote alguna epidemia mundial.

La coalición de todas las civilizaciones ha llegado al consenso que ahora somos una sola mega-civilización los Terrícolas y estamos preparados para ir a conquistar planetas, así daremos el paso a la inmortalidad como especie y asegurarnos que la humanidad siga creciendo. La coalición ya ha estado trabajando en juntar y anidar todas las tecnologías que cada civilización ha ido desarrollando a lo largo de estos últimos 100 años. Es sorprendente como algunas sociedades han llegado a desarrollar tecnologías tan sofisticadas, como la computación donde las cadenas de bits son representadas a nivel sub-atómico, además de poder representar la data y hacer cálculos muy complejos a través de concentraciones químicas (computación química) que pueden ser robots amorfos (tipo gel) con la capacidad de separase y convertirse en robots más chicos y trabajar independientemente, la Web y la realidad virtual ha convergido y nos ha dado una nueva dimensión muy compleja; la robótica más la inteligencia artificial ha logrado la creación de robots que continuamente aprenden y toman decisiones y nos ayudan en diversas tareas; la nanotecnología que esta en todo lado; la hibernación humana; naves espaciales que vuelan a velocidades supersónicas duplicándose incrementalmente cada minuto.

Son las 15:00 horas en la ciudad de Bruselas y se va a dar inicio a la convención para definir como se va a realizar esta conquista que compete a toda la humanidad.

viernes, 4 de abril de 2008

Cloud Computing and Information's Mines

“The World’s primary compute is or could be Google’s cloud, its a network made of hundreds of thousands, or by some estimates one million, cheap servers, each not much more powerful than the PCs we have in our homes.. A move towards clouds signals a fundamental shift in how we handle information. At the most basic level, it's the computing equivalent of the evolution in electricity a century ago when farms and businesses shut down their own generators and bought power instead from efficient industrial utilities.” [1]

As you can see we are in the path to change the way we interact with information, humankind is in constantly move (traveling around the world), we need to access to our information in every place, we have laptops, mobiles as devices to access information, but where do we store our files, calendar, apps, etc ??, it can be saved in the devices, but if I want to backup all my information, how and where do I put it ??. Its clearly that the answer is in the big cloud, almost like the matrix it can do all that stuff, so where do we go next??, that’s a very good question, I think that we are in an early stage about the cloud computing, people have to get use to have their information in the cloud and trust the way we do with electricity. The cloud will be there for hundreds of years, the next step is to manage the way we put our digital footprint on the net and be able to retrieve all that digital footprint the we as humankind left. Another thought that come to me about the cloud is the huge information that it has/have, every cloud could be seen as a mine, digging all those mines will be a very challenging task, in the future those clouds will have all our information recorded.

“Humanity emits the data, and a handful of companies—the likes of Google, Yahoo!..., or …—transform the info into insights, services, and, ultimately, revenue … Yahoo Research Chief Prabhakar Raghavan, "there are only five computers on earth." He lists Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, IBM, and Amazon. Few others, he says, can turn electricity into computing power with comparable efficiency. ”[1]

Very interesting the way those companies use the information to gain revenue, that’s that way this information economy works out, making profit from the services and the information that we put in the Internet. I can see many application that could be developed using web intelligence, is just amazing how we are getting more and more connected between us and the mass information that we generate every second.
